About NPWE

Mission: To build working relationships for professionals in the water and environmental sector in the Sacramento area.

Purpose: To establish a networking of professionals working in water and environmental industries. Our purpose is to create a public forum for social and professional networking that provides professionals with the opportunity to establish working relationship within their respective fields.

1. Provide a setting for social and professional networking
2. Increase, diversify, and maintain membership
3. Provide diverse events and activities
4. Provide learning and professional development opportunities

NPWE was formed in June 2013 after a successful Bay Delta Tour hosted by The Water Education Foundation. The participants of the tour connected and created the vision for a Sacramento-based networking group. After several years of monthly networking hours, NPWE officially chartered to become a 501(c)(3) organization with elected Officers and Board Members to shape NPWE to be a true coalition group of professionals who are invested in discussing water and environmental issues in their state and community. NPWE is a community organization and is non-partisan.